Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Education

artificial intelligence, machine learning, educational data mining, data analytics, intelligent tutoring systemsAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and Machine Learning technologies are poised to transform the field of education as we know it. They have already upended industries from retail to manufacturing and now that the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the shift to online classrooms, with remote teacher-student interaction and remote curriculum test, AI-powered tools are more critical for teachers and students than ever before. AI-powered intelligent tutoring systems, AI chatbots can interact with students to increase engagement of students in studies, and Machine Learning algorithms can analyze student data. Together these provide great opportunities for improving student learning, will help teachers also and will also help in many other aspects of education. This chapter will highlight some of the most interesting real-world applications of AI and Machine Learning and explain the methodology of their implementation, then describe how they can improve student learning and the effectiveness of education systems. This chapter will also discuss the critical challenges that educators and researchers face when applying these technologies in the field of education. Finally, the chapter is concluded with a discussion of the roles AI and Machine Learning can play in post-pandemic education world and of promising technologies that could be significant driving forces for even more AI and Machine Learning applications in education in the future.
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