Organization Structure and Management Practice Related Factors Causing Employee Turnover: An Empirical Study Among Nurses

Organization structure, management practice, employee turnover, nurse, multi-speciality hospital, Tirunelveli cityAbstract
This empirical, quantitative and survey based descriptive research has been undertaken in Tirunelveli city of Tamil Nadu, India, with the objectives of identifying perception of the nursing employees towards organization structure and management practice related factors causing employee turnover among them. The study has sampled 80 nursing employees using both convenience and judgement sampling techniques and collected primary data from them with the help of structured questionnaire constructed by own observation and experience of the researcher in the field of hospital administration along with the support of literatures. The secondary data have been collected from books, journals, dissertation and conference proceedings. Percentage method has been administered to analyze the data. The analysis of the study proved that majority of the respondents have strongly agreed that the factors: complex and unclear organization structure; domination and control by other departments; lack of opportunity to participate at departmental or organizational level decision making and training programmes; changes made in policy and work processes at frequent intervals, and not communicating it in a proper way; autocratic leadership style with lack of motivation and communication; lack of respect; and inadequate salary and discrimination in compensation system cause employee turnover among the nursing employees.
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