Learning from fast & slow fashion supply chains

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  • Christina Schabasser University of Applied Sciences Burgenland




Fast Fashion, Slow Fashion, Supply Chains, Triple Bottom Line


Slow and fast fashion companies and their supply chains can learn a lot from each other. The fast fashion business model is often associated with short lead times, while the slow fashion business model is deemed to be more sustainable in nature. Therefore, many people believe that fast fashion companies do not have enough time to be concerned with the sustainability of their practices. This study seeks to determine whether fast fashion companies should be more concerned about the sustainability of their production. The findings show, among other things, that these fast fashion companies are also getting better in terms of building their business sustainability. This becomes clear when a total of 20 slow and 20 fast fashion companies are analyzed using the triple bottom line approach. As a result, it is safe to say that fashion companies' business models do not define whether or not they are concerned about the sustainability of their practices. Rather, it is each company's awareness of the environment that motivates them to implement sustainable, eco-friendly practices in their operations.


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How to Cite

Schabasser, C. . (2022). Learning from fast & slow fashion supply chains. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (6), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.31039/ejohe.2022.6.68


