Fostering Autonomy and Self Determination in Online Education

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  • Yetkin Yildirim Rice University
  • Busra Dokmen
  • Zahrah Butler



online learning, Self-Determination Theory, project-based learning, active learning, social and emotional learning, autonomy, relatedness


University students have experienced massive disruption in the wake of COVID-19 in the form of online education. Online education has required students to be more self-regulated, and the present research is interested in determining how this self-regulated education system impacts students and whether they are able to meet their needs of experienced competence, autonomy, and relatedness? What resources aid them in getting these things? The paper begins with an exploration of Self-Determination Theory and Resilience. Resilience has long been considered a part of basic psychological need satisfaction. Self Determination Theory says that experienced competence, autonomy, and relatedness are core pieces for personal growth, social development, psychological wellbeing. Need satisfaction can help create better coping habits in times of stress. SDT has been promoted in the classroom for the last few years because of this.


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How to Cite

Yildirim, Y., Dokmen, B., & Butler, Z. (2021). Fostering Autonomy and Self Determination in Online Education. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (5), 63–72.


