To Build Sense of Belonging in Young Workforce of 21st Century: Coaching Style Leadership

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  • Selim Ozdemir UKEY
  • Ummuhan Yigit Seyfi Researcher of UKEY
  • Teymur Valiyev Head of Strategy and Innovations Department SOCAR Georgia Gas



Coaching, leadership, Y generation, sense of belonging


We are living in a period of strengthening of social networks and weakening of social ties. We observe communication problems even between the same generation employees. Within virtual organizational structures, where digitalization and mobility are on an advanced level, business vision is changing so fast. Rapid changes occurring in the organizational structures increase managerial uncertainty in the companies and raise a need for revision of employee behavior. Virtually addicted human resources of 21st century need to be managed in a different way.

In 21st century, young workforce retention concerns raise first and foremost the question of how to manage. In particular, the characteristics of Y generation that will have a large share in global labor force, create a need to arrange the management in a coaching style. Coaching style leadership becomes even more important in order to understand working perception of Y generation, to make them gained by the company, to retain them, to develop organizational commitment, to guide their talents, to meet their expectations and to build long-term relationships with them.

This study is focused on coaching style leadership in order to build sense of belonging for the Y generation, the young workforce of 21st century. Because, expected to form %75 of global labor force as of 2025, this generation is shaping talents market with its work perceptions and expectations.


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How to Cite

Ozdemir, S., Yigit Seyfi, U. ., & Valiyev, T. . (2021). To Build Sense of Belonging in Young Workforce of 21st Century: Coaching Style Leadership. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (1), 62–71.


