On the Pitfalls of Total Quality Management: A literature evaluation from the managerial perspective

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Total Quality Management, successful implementation, pitfalls, obstacles


As a management philosophy and a set of guiding principles Total Quality Management (TQM) aims an effective use of whole resources of an organization and contributes an organization to achieve its objectives. Since the philosophy of TQM was developed, TQM has been attracting the attention of academics and managers. Though there is a large number of literatures about success stories and benefits TQM, many TQM implementation programs fail because of various reasons. Because implementation of TQM is not without difficulties and there is no easy way to be successful.

The main objective of the article is to present pitfalls of implementation of TQM based on reviewing the literature. It is asserted that obstacles to a successful implementation of TQM are managerial, not individual. The article may be useful for managers and practitioners to avoid pitfalls of implementing TQM.


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How to Cite

Ünal, Ömer F. (2021). On the Pitfalls of Total Quality Management: A literature evaluation from the managerial perspective. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31039/ejohe.2021.2.20


