Role and Compensation Related Factors Causing Heavy Workload: An Empirical Study among Sanitary Workers

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  • Rajan Durairaj University of Africa



Role, compensation, workload, sanitary worker, private hospital, Tirunelveli city


This survey, quantitative and empirical based descriptive research has the objective of analysing perception of sanitary workers working in private multi-speciality hospitals in Tirunelveli city of Tamil Nadu, India towards various role and compensation related factors causing heavy workload. In order to achieve the objective, the study sampled 80 respondents using both convenience and judgement sampling techniques, and from the chosen respondents the primary data were collected using schedule method with the help of questionnaire (translating the questions in respondents’ mother language, ‘Tamil’) along with interview. The secondary data were collected from books, journals and conference proceedings to add appropriate significance to the study. Percentage method was administered to analyse both demographic characteristics of the study and perception of the respondents towards role and compensation related factors causing heavy workload. The result of the analysis has found that all the factors discussed in this study such as ill-defined roles and responsibilities, receiving conflicting messages from two or more heads at the same time, person’s interest remain contradict with the job role, salary is not adequate in accordance with the work performed, discrimination and bias in fixing salary and inadequate non-monetary rewards for effective contribution at work were strongly agreed by majority of the respondents. The study has given suitable suggestions as to how to rationalize the role and compensation related factors causing heavy workload.


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How to Cite

Durairaj, R. (2021). Role and Compensation Related Factors Causing Heavy Workload: An Empirical Study among Sanitary Workers. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (2), 16–38.


