A Transformation from the Cages of Spirits to the Spiritual Organizations: Different Solutions to Employee Oriented Issues

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  • Selim Ozdemir UKEY
  • Ummuhan Yigit Seyfi Researcher of UKEY




Spiritual quotient, spiritual organization, employee issues


Nowadays, changes in socioeconomic compositions, advancement in technology, consumption mania, increasing the speed of digital contents, momentary satisfaction from the increasing speed of access to information, the stress in the workplace, fear from loneliness or being isolated from the society lead individuals to search for or attribute a meaning both to their personal and work life. The impact of this search in workplaces is seen in the form of differences in the personal perception of occupation and expectation from it. Employees who spend most of their daily life in the workplaces have become people asking why they are doing what they do at work and querying what benefit their occupations brings to themselves and society.

Despite all efforts in increasing the performance of employees in organizations that has only production-oriented operations, the loss of motivation in workplaces cannot be prevented. Organizations for profit that do not inquire a mission become “cages for the spirit” of their employees in time. 

With the awareness of all these issues in workplaces, in this study, we discuss the need to create different solutions to people-oriented institutional problems through the use of emotional intelligence and spiritual quotient. The importance of the terms; spiritual quotient, spiritual institutions, emotional intelligence, mission inquiry, and enrichment and expansion of vision in the literature will be searched carefully, and content analysis for these terms will be done. Through this analysis, we will discuss if new horizons can be created in the field of human resources management.


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How to Cite

Ozdemir, S., & Yigit Seyfi, U. . (2021). A Transformation from the Cages of Spirits to the Spiritual Organizations: Different Solutions to Employee Oriented Issues. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (1), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.31039/ejohe.2020.1.29


