Multi-Dimensional Relationships between Organizational Citizenship, Charismatic Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Ethical Climate

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organizational citizenship behavior, charismatic leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, ethical climate, Structural Equation Modeling


The aim of current study is to analyze multidimensional relationships among organizational citizenship, charismatic leadership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and ethical climate. The sample of this study consists of 199 full-time employees in a group of companies which has 8 firms in Istanbul in Turkey. Self-report data were obtained with a questionnaire survey. The study was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling.

The result of analysis indicates that job satisfaction and organizational commitment could be accepted as a promoter of organizational citizenship behaviors. But enhancing commitment does not seem to be the most effective way of increasing organizational citizenship behaviors. A more effective way to achieve high organizational citizenship behaviors is to increase job satisfaction. Moreover, the results also suggest the importance of charismatic leadership in promoting organizational citizenship behaviors. Improving charismatic leadership perception of followers promotes their positive work attitudes and behaviors directly or indirectly. Ultimately their positive attitudes and behaviors can result in more important organizational outcomes such as reduction in both absenteeism and turnover and increase in both productivity and profitability.


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How to Cite

Ünal, Ömer F. (2021). Multi-Dimensional Relationships between Organizational Citizenship, Charismatic Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Ethical Climate. Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (1), 17–29.


