Traditional Games as Fun Media in Strengthening Multiple Intelligences During Learning at Home in the Corona Pandemic

Traditional game, Multiple intelligences, Learning at home, Corona pandemicAbstract
The corona pandemic is not over yet. Currently, Indonesia is implementing social activity restrictions in several areas since last July 2021. It causes everyone just stay at home and do the activities from home, including the learning process. Of course, it causes every student feels bored and become stress because basically, the students in childhood need social interaction and excitement, like playing. Actually, there are many Indonesian traditional games that can be played at home with the family. However, based on data, there are about 40% of Indonesian traditional games have become extinct and about 65% of Indonesian children are no longer familiar with traditional games. Therefore, this study aims to: 1) explain the conditions of learning at home during the pandemic; 2) explain the application of traditional games can stimulate learning and social interaction activities at home; 3) explain the existence of traditional games as fun learning media for strengthening personal character as well as increasing multiple intelligences. A qualitative design is used in this study. Then, a critical paradigm to find new concept from local knowledge with indigenous ethnography approach is also used in this study. The data is collected by the techniques of observation (some using students’ video from other places while playing traditional games), interviews, documentation, and the study of documents. Moreover, some students from several places in Indonesia become informants of this research (25 students from elementary school and junior high school). Meanwhile, the collected data are analyzed using the interactive model analysis by Miles and Huberman (focus on descriptive, emotion, and values coding). The results of this study are: (1) the condition of learning process at home during pandemic experienced many obstacles that make students bored and stressed; (2) the application of traditional games can stimulate learning and social interaction activities at home; and (3) the existence of traditional games as fun learning media for strengthening personal character as well as increasing multiple intelligences.
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