Transformation Shifts in Economy: Basic Approaches

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  • Olga Nosova V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University



system transformation, transformation shift, economic growth


The article aims to study and analyze the political and social–economic changes in the process of system transformation in Ukraine. It singles out factors that might lead to a more sustainable strategy of political and social – economic development. The paper represents an attempt to understand the content of system transformation, causes of successful and inefficient practices, and proposes recommendations for its improvement.

The hypothesis of the study is to estimate how the GDP growth in Ukraine depends on the degree of economic, political, social transformation, as well as the overall indicators (market and democratic) transformation. The study discusses the concepts of system transformation, describes types of transformation, determines the impact of transformation shifts on economic growth in a country, and estimates the econometric model of GDP from transformational changes, contributing and slowing down factors.


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How to Cite

Nosova, O. (2020). Transformation Shifts in Economy: Basic Approaches . Eurasian Journal of Higher Education, (1), 1–16.


