The role of European Union values in the Ukrainian social-humanitarian safety provision system

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social-humanitarian safety provision system, European values, regional values, democratization, democratic institutions


The article aims to analyze the role of European Union values in providing a social-economic and humanitarian safety provision system in Ukraine. The research methods include descriptive analysis, an interdisciplinary approach integrated into the different analytical fields, and the range of humanitarian safety perspectives they bring to bear on a certain topic, theme, or issue in the political, economic, legal, and social sciences estimate. The checked hypothesis is the social-humanitarian safety provision system depends on the process of democratization of society and the functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine. The democratization of society created the fundament of the social-humanitarian safety provision system. The democratization process depends on the relationship between European values and regional-specific factors in Ukraine.

The social and humanitarian safety provision system in Ukraine closely interconnected with the degree of economic, political, and social transformation, as well as the overall indicators of the market and democratic reforms. The analysis of reforming institutions in Ukrainian and European Union (EU) values and beliefs adoption and adherence defines the key problem of the social and humanitarian safety provision system. The balance of European and regional values directed to the achievement of an acceptable level of the social-humanitarian safety provision system in Ukraine.

The creation of institutions that ensure the acceptable balance formation of European and regional values is an important task for EU integration. The transformation of social-political values to EU values relates to the process of democratization. Social-humanitarian safety provision system depends on the effectiveness of functioning democratic institutions.


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How to Cite

Nosova, O. (2023). The role of European Union values in the Ukrainian social-humanitarian safety provision system. London Journal of Social Sciences, (5), 19–32.


