Digital Development: Comparison Analysis

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digital development, comparison analysis, digital format


The article reveals the role and features of the digital development in the economy. It examines and determines pros and cons of the digital economy in countries in the post-Soviet area. The peculiarities of the digital information presentation, the background, implementation and consequences of digitalization are considered. The advanced experience in the digital development in a number of post-Soviet countries has been considered. The forms and methods of assessing the degree of digitalization coverage in individual countries considered for obtaining new opportunities of digital technologies usage in business, the creation of information technology platforms, new values, benefits, and virtual services’ provision.

It has proposed to intensify cooperation between IT companies of the post socialist countries. The important role of private business in stimulating the use of the results of the digital economy pointed out.


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How to Cite

Nosova, O., & Pavlov, K. . (2021). Digital Development: Comparison Analysis. London Journal of Social Sciences, (2), 31–40.


