Keep the Libraries Running! The Crucial Role of the Volunteers

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  • Christina Schabasser University of Applied Sciences Burgenland



libraries, volunteering, voluntary work in libraries


Keeping life stresses away would improve the quality of life, especially in challenging times like the current Covid-19 pandemic. The role of reading in dealing with critical phases of people’s lives is remarkable. Public libraries as local information centers encourage reading habits in children and remove gaps between those who are well-informed and those who do not. To continue to fulfill the educational mandate and keep libraries running, addressing the issue of volunteering is necessary. Without the voluntary commitment of the public, a substantial number of libraries may not be able to survive. Focusing on the Austrian library landscape, this study provides recommendations on volunteerism in libraries which are based on interviews and literature analyses.



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How to Cite

Schabasser, C. . (2021). Keep the Libraries Running! The Crucial Role of the Volunteers. London Journal of Social Sciences, (2), 1–9.


