Covid 19 Impact on Families

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  • Ibrahim Kurt Stichting Cosmicus
  • Ferah Diba Izgi



COVID-19, family, children, mental health, education, isolation


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on families worldwide. The virus has spread rapidly, leading to lockdowns and social distancing measures to slow its spread. These measures have led to job losses, economic uncertainty, and financial stress for many families. Additionally, the closure of schools and other educational institutions has led to challenges in providing education and childcare. The isolation and social distancing measures have also led to mental health concerns, particularly for children and young people. This literature review study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of COVID-19 on families, with a focus on the unique challenges that they face during this pandemic.


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How to Cite

Kurt, I., & Izgi, F. D. (2023). Covid 19 Impact on Families. London Journal of Social Sciences, (5), 33–42.


