The Agents of Socialization Keep in Touch with Socio-Virtualization

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  • Ibrahim Kurt Stichting Cosmicus



Individual, Society, Socialization, Socio-Virtualization


In contemporary society, as opportunities for individuals to acquire knowledge and socialize with family, friends, school, and media expand, they are increasingly exposed to human-machine interaction on an individual level. The age of science, which has brought many benefits with technological advancements, continues to present a plethora of opportunities for people. However, it is important to acknowledge that technology also has its drawbacks and consequences. Technology has opened new doors for both society and individuals through its contributions to socialization and personal growth. Its structure, which activates and impacts the socialization tools of society, makes it impossible to avoid being affected or influenced by the virtual space both individually and socially. As a result, the concept of socialization is evolving into "socio-virtualization." This phenomenon has begun to be studied by educators, sociologists, and other related fields. With the ongoing evolution of technology, it remains to be seen whether it will be incorporated as a new tool for socialization or if its role in this process will shift in the future. This research aims to examine the socialization process and the effects of technology, specifically the virtual aspect, on society and socialization.


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How to Cite

Kurt, I. (2023). The Agents of Socialization Keep in Touch with Socio-Virtualization. London Journal of Social Sciences, (5), 1–9.


