Faded colors of Western Anatolia, exploring non-Muslim immigration and industrial development in Western Anatolia from the 19th to the 20th century in the example of Ezine's socio-economic transformation

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  • Halil Ersin AVCI Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Education Faculty, Social Studies Education




Ezine, Industrial Revolution, Jews, Greeks, Armenians


Ezine is in western Turkey, within the borders of Canakkale province, between the legendary Troy and the ancient city of Alexandria-Troas. This paper investigates the socio-economic transformation of Ezine City in response to the Industrial Revolution's impact, positioning it as a crucial supplier of raw materials to Europe's industrialized states during the 19th century. The emergence of new sectors, including raw material production, supply, and transportation, facilitated unprecedented economic growth and development in Ezine. Leveraging the legal provisions of the 1856 Paris Treaty, Ottoman Armenians, Greeks, and Jews migrated to Ezine, strategically settling in the city to capitalize on its thriving economy. By analyzing historical data, primary sources, and legal frameworks, this study explores the profound influence of non-Muslim immigration on Ezine's economic landscape. Furthermore, it examines the dynamics of cultural exchanges, societal integration, and the legacy of this diverse influx on Ezine's socio-cultural fabric. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this research offers valuable insights into the intertwined relationship between industrial development, non-Muslim immigration, and the formation of Ezine's socio-economic identity.


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Ezine District Land Registry Book No: 7 Volume 3, 1291-1295 (1874-1879), Ezine Land Registry Archive.

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Ezine District Land Registry Book No: 8 Volume 2, 1291-1295 (1874-1879), Ezine Land Registry Archive.

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How to Cite

AVCI, H. E. (2022). Faded colors of Western Anatolia, exploring non-Muslim immigration and industrial development in Western Anatolia from the 19th to the 20th century in the example of Ezine’s socio-economic transformation. London Journal of Social Sciences, (4), 34–46. https://doi.org/10.31039/ljss.2022.4.93


