Improving Teachers’ Professionalism Through Blended-Based Training in Indonesia's Remote Area

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  • Albert Efendi Pohan Riau Island University, Batam City, Riau Island Province, Indonesia
  • Hilman Mudawali Daulay Senior High School 1 Barumun Tengah, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
  • Agus Sahrir Vocational High School 5 Batam City, Riau Island Province, Indonesia



Blended-Based Training, Professionalism, Remote Area


Blended-based training is a best alternative choice for equalization of training in Indonesia’s district area in the Covid-19 pandemic era considering the low competency of teachers in Indonesia at this time. This research was applied on improving the teachers’ professionalism in Indonesia’s remote area in order to act their main roles on preparing the learning administration. The research method used was experimental research by one-group pre-test and post-test design. Research subject were from normative and adaptive teacher at in remote areas of North Sumatera Province in Indonesia with 31 teachers. The instrument which used was portfolio and individual test by writing the lesson plan and all tasks collected by google drive. The data analysis technique was performed using SPSS Statistic 20 by one simple paired t-test. The result of this study showed that blended-based training could improve the teachers’ profesionalism where the significan value (2-tailed) was 0.00 < 0.05. It mean that there was a significant difference of values where the post-test score was bigger than the pre-test score.


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How to Cite

Pohan, A. E. ., Daulay, H. M. ., & Sahrir, A. . (2021). Improving Teachers’ Professionalism Through Blended-Based Training in Indonesia’s Remote Area. London Journal of Social Sciences, (1), 67–78.


