The Role of Sociovirtualization in Building Resilient Online Communities

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Sociovirtualization, Community Resilience, Online Communities, Digital Technologies, Social Support, Information Sharing


With the development of digital technologies and social media platforms, the idea of sociovirtualization—which incorporates social interactions within virtual environments—has become more well-known. This study looks at how sociovirtualization contributes to the development of resilient online networks, especially in the wake of major world disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic. The study synthesizes existing research on social media use in crisis situations and community resilience by completing a thorough literature analysis. With an emphasis on important mechanisms including knowledge sharing, social support, and community participation, it examines how virtual social interactions foster community resilience. The results show that the use of social media is positively correlated with the perception of community resilience, and that virtual contacts are essential for preserving social ties and offering emotional support. The paper makes recommendations for future research paths on the long-term effects of sociovirtualization and emphasizes the significance of utilizing digital technologies to improve community resilience.


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How to Cite

Kurt, I. (2024). The Role of Sociovirtualization in Building Resilient Online Communities. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (12), 10–19.