Wayang Sada (Sodo): A Media of Indonesian Language Learning and Cultural Introduction for Foreign Learners
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Wayang sada/sodo, , language learning, cultural introduction, foreign leanersAbstract
Indonesia has about 718 regional languages that are unified by Indonesian as the national language (spoken by 90% of Indonesians). In addition, culture in Indonesia is also diverse, one of them is wayang sada/sodo. It is a puppet from sticks of young coconut leaves in the Gunungkidul area, Yogyakarta. The use of it in learning Indonesian language and culture is very interesting. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1) to explain the existence of wayang sada/sodo in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta; (2) to explain the process of Indonesia language learning and cultural introduction using wayang sada/sodo; (3) to identify and strengthen Schumann's acculturation theory and Krashen's monitoring system theory with a combination of Paivio's dual coding theory on Indonesian language learning and cultural introduction. The research method is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The data are collected by participatory observation (directly teaches Indonesian using wayang sada/sodo), social media observations (IG Lafida Int'l Institute—lafida_ii; about learning Indonesian language and culture based on cultural anthropology for foreigners managed by Nafila), in-depth interviews, documentation, and document studies on the use of interactive media in language and culture learning, especially Indonesia. The informant of this research are the foreign leaners who learn Indonesian language (about 6 (six) learners). Then, the data are analyzed using the Miles and Huberman interactive model analysis (focus on descriptive, emotion, and values coding). The results of this research, are: (1) wayang sada/sodo is a puppet made of sada/sodo which means sticks of young coconut leaves, commonly found in the Gunungkidul area, Yogyakarta. Wayang sada/sodo is an artistic and cultural asset created by residents of Padukuhan Gunungbang, Bejiharjo Cultural Village, Karangmojo District which has become a new variety of wayang art; (2) Indonesian language learning and cultural introduction using wayang sada/sodo is very meaningful, interesting (attractive), interactive, introducing Indonesian culture directly, both offline and online; (3) the use of wayang sada/sodo can be a novelty of theory by strengthening and combining Schumann's acculturation theory (social and psychological factors with new cultural adjustment), Krashen’s monitoring system theory (creative constructive process), and Paivio's dual coding theory (audio and visual) in Indonesian language learning as well as culture for foreign leaners.
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