What is the current state of the Science and Technology perspectives of the STEM field and how do these two perspectives of the STEM field affect the academic pathways of students that are in the STEM field?

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  • Ola Bassel HS of Endeavor at Austin, USA
  • Mehmet Bisen University of Texas at Austin, USA




STEM, education, science, technology, curriculum, development, methods, teaching, patterns, trajectories, educational viewpoints, curriculum improvement


This article investigates the current state of the scope of science and technology within the STEM education field. It analyzes how these viewpoints impact the educational pathways of students in the STEM field. The study introduces STEM education, emphasizing its importance in contemporary education and industry, and clarifies the importance of science and technology viewpoints. Then, the article examines the historical backgrounds, present patterns, and the impact of these viewpoints on the education curriculum and teaching. The article thoroughly examines various aspects, highlighting distinctions, similarities, and interdisciplinary methods. It provides valuable insights and suggestions for improving the STEM education curriculum. The study provides insights for effectively incorporating these viewpoints into STEM education to affect students' academic and career trajectories.


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How to Cite

Bassel, O., & Bisen, M. (2024). What is the current state of the Science and Technology perspectives of the STEM field and how do these two perspectives of the STEM field affect the academic pathways of students that are in the STEM field?. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (11), 232–238. https://doi.org/10.31039/plic.2024.11.250