The Impact of Sugar Control on Pancreatic Cancer Progression for the Elderly

A Case Study and Review of Current Evidence

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  • Alex Chirayath HS of Innovation – Katy, USA
  • Cathy Obawole HS of Innovation – Katy, USA
  • Omer Ulucan Austin Community College, USA
  • Yakup Bayar University of Texas at Austin, USA



Pancreatic cancer, Nutrition, Oncology, Sugar


Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the pancreas, an organ that aids in digestion and blood sugar regulation. It is characterized as an aggressive type of cancer that presents with symptoms that often go undetected. In 2024, there were an estimated 66,440 new cases of pancreatic cancer and an estimated 51,170 deaths from pancreatic cancer, with a 5-year relative survival rate of 12.8% (SEER, 2023). While traditional medical interventions such as surgery and chemotherapy continue to be the cornerstone of treatment, there is an emerging focus on the potential impact of dietary and nutritional factors in both preventing and managing pancreatic cancer. This approach is particularly relevant for elderly patients due to the heightened risk associated with surgery at their age and their reduced tolerance to chemotherapy regimens. This paper presents a compelling case study of a pancreatic cancer patient who adopted a sugar-restricted diet, resulting in a notable decrease in the tumor marker CA 19-9, which is commonly associated with pancreatic cancer. Building on this individual case study, this paper provides a comprehensive review of current scientific literature to examine the potential relationship between sugar consumption and pancreatic cancer development and progression. By examining this intersection of nutrition and oncology, this study aims to expound upon possible alternative or complementary approaches to pancreatic cancer management, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly. This research could lead to new strategies for improving outcomes and quality of life in pancreatic cancer care.


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How to Cite

Alex Chirayath, Obawole , C., Ulucan , O., & Bayar , Y. (2024). The Impact of Sugar Control on Pancreatic Cancer Progression for the Elderly: A Case Study and Review of Current Evidence. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (11), 89–98.