Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Technology for the Advancement of Finance Technology (FinTech) in Businesses

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  • Clay Gitobu LA, Karen Campus, Kenya
  • John Ogetonto LA, Karen Campus, Kenya




Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Financial technology, African businesses, Risk management


This brief investigation seeks to explore the significant impact and offer a thorough analysis of the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology in revolutionizing financial technologies (FinTech) within the context of African business environments. Central to this study is an examination of how AI-driven solutions and blockchain technology can improve efficiency, accessibility, and innovation in financial services. Currently, African businesses face numerous challenges that hinder their overall success. Among these are the prevalence of fraud in Africa’s economy and the absence of credit scoring and reliable risk management, leading to bad debts and poor capital management. The businesses also lack data infrastructure, regulatory compliances, customer engagement and personalisation data privacy, cybersecurity and volatile currencies. Through intensive evaluation, we will be venturing into and showcasing how applications of AI and blockchain technology address these hurdles via techniques involving fraud detection, risk mitigation, advanced credit assessments and scoring for underserved communities, loan origination systems, and automated customer support utilising tools like chatbots, bolstered market analytics, streamlined regulation conformance, and augmented financial inclusivity encompassing digital payment platforms, saving mechanisms, loans, investments, and insurance products. By leveraging AI, African businesses can propel FinTech innovation and progression, foster economic prosperity, and drive sustainable development. The paper comprehensively analyses the current state of AI-driven FinTech solutions in Africa, identifying key factors that can unlock a new era of financial innovation, potential challenges businesses may face in implementing these technologies and our comprehensive research on their solutions.


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How to Cite

Gitobu, C., & John Ogetonto. (2024). Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Technology for the Advancement of Finance Technology (FinTech) in Businesses. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (11), 196–210. https://doi.org/10.31039/plic.2024.11.244