Optimization of Wind Turbine Efficiency during Severe Weather

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  • Nana Kofi Annor Rice University Internship, Houston, TX, USA
  • Michael Ramirez Rice University Internship, Houston, TX, USA https://orcid.org/0009-0006-1413-516X
  • Cafer Kucukbasol Rice University Internship, Houston, TX, USA




severe weather conditions, wind turbines, optimization, high wind speeds, lightning


Due to the importance of energy in society as well as the negative environmental impact of many commonly used energy sources, namely fossil fuels, it is essential to develop and improve sources of renewable energy. Wind energy is a prominent, widely accessible, and environmentally friendly form of renewable energy created when wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind to electricity. Severe weather is one area of concern for wind turbines. This article primarily examines the effects of high wind speeds and lightning on wind turbines. To aid in improving and fostering renewable energy, this article aims to study the effects of lightning and high wind speeds on wind turbines, evaluate current solutions, and suggest improvements where possible. After examining several sources, the advantages and disadvantages of current methods were discussed along with proposed improvements. Due to the restrictions of our research being purely virtual, lacking resources, and time constraints, we are unable to conduct tests and physical research of wind turbines and these meteorological events for more thorough first-hand exploration. Following our research, the next step would be to utilize the evaluations and proposed improvements to current wind turbine designs and analyze the effects.


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How to Cite

Annor, N. K., Michael Ramirez, & Kucukbasol, C. (2024). Optimization of Wind Turbine Efficiency during Severe Weather. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (11), 64–75. https://doi.org/10.31039/plic.2024.11.241