An examination of jealousy and relationship satisfaction in romantic relationships

Relationship satisfaction, jealousy, anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, relations, attachment stylesAbstract
This study has been conducted to examine the relation between attachment styles, romantic jealousy and relationship satisfaction. Moreover, how these mentioned variables differ in terms of sex and relationship types is also explained. Study group of this study consist of totally 500 participants, 250 males and 250 female participants, who live within İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality district. Personal Information Form, Romantic Jealousy Scale, The Experiences in Close Relationship Scale-II, Relationship Satisfaction Sub-Scale of Relationship Stability Scale have been used as data collection tools in this study.
Results of analysis show that there is a positive correlation between relationship satisfaction and romantic jealousy. Results show that attachment styles are considerable predictors of romantic jealousy level; that jealousy increases as anxious attachment increases; that jealousy decreases as avoidant attachment increases; and also that there is a weak positive relation between avoidance and anxiety dimensions of attachment. Moreover, there has been a negative relation between avoidant attachment and relationship satisfaction. Findings show that sex and relationship type have significant roles in jealousy, that women are more jealous than men, especially those who are flirting are more jealous than those who are married. It has been seen that relationship type is effective in attachment and those who are flirting are more anxiously attached than those who are married.
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