Manipulativity as an object of transdisciplinary humanities knowledge

manipulativeness, transdisciplinarity, hidden nature of influence, manipulator, manipulated, manipulative strategiesAbstract
This scientific article presents a content analysis of modern research in the field of manipulation as one of the current topics of the humanitarian scientific paradigm. Manipulativeness as a multifaceted phenomenon attracts the attention of researchers from various disciplines, from psychology and sociology to political science, media communication and linguistics. The aim of the article is to bring together different approaches and research into a single transdisciplinary body of knowledge on manipulation.
The authors analyze different aspects of manipulability, including psychological, socio-cultural and linguistic aspects, especially using the example of media discourse, where manipulation is a key element in politics and media in the modern information age.
The focus is on the influence of media manipulation on public opinion, mood, beliefs and values. The article discusses manipulative strategies, tactics and linguistic means of implementing them in media discourse.
This article also emphasizes the importance of educating and developing critical thinking as a means to counter manipulative strategies and the relevance of studying manipulativeness in the humanities. The authors believe that a general transdisciplinary study will contribute to a deeper understanding of manipulative behavior and help to develop strategies to effectively counter this phenomenon in modern society.
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