Eco-print Batik: Eco-Friendly Products of Green Business based on Indigenous Knowledge in Bantul

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  • Elsa Putri Ermisah Syafril Creole Institute Yogyakarta
  • Hadara Haqqira Agel SMA Insan Rabbany Tangerang Selatan



Eco-print batik, eco-friendly products, green business, indigenous knowledge


Indonesia has diversity culture, one of them is batik. One of Indonesian batik is eco-print batik in Bantul, Yogyakarta. It is a type of batik that made by using utilizes natural dyes from leaf, root or stem dyes that are placed on a piece of fabric. Eco-print batik is an eco-friendly product and is based on the potential and local knowledge of the local community. Therefore, the objectives of this research are: (1) to explain the existence of eco-print batik in Bantul, Yogyakarta; (2) to explain the process of making eco-print batik in Bantul that eco-friendly products of green business; (3) to identify and strengthen the concept of eco-friendly products of green business based on indigenous knowledge by the case of eco-print batik in Bantul. The research method is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The data are collected by participatory observation (directly observing the process of making eco-print batik), in-depth interviews, documentation, and document studies on eco-products, especially eco-print batik. The informant of this research are the eco-print batik crafters. Then, the data are analyzed using the Miles and Huberman interactive model analysis. The results of this research, are: (1) eco-print batik is a technique of applying leaves or flowers on a fabric to produce certain (natural) motifs. It was introduced in Indonesia around 2016 and easily accepted by Indonesian textile crafters because Indonesia has strong roots in the tradition of natural dyeing and textile arts (batik process). In 2018, eco-print is increasingly gaining attention and popularity, especially for one of the batik crafters in Bantul with a workshop space, namely Sogga Batik. (2) The process of making eco-print batik uses several techniques, such as pounding, leaf fermentation, and steaming techniques. From the three techniques, Yanti Sogga in Bantul prefers the steaming technique because the resulting color is strong and long lasting. The process is not too long. Moreover, the materials used (input), the process, the product (output), and marketing method in eco-print batik are very eco-friendly because these concern about environmental sustainability. (3) The concept of eco-friendly products of green business based on indigenous knowledge by the case of eco-print batik in Bantul is being the novelty concept, namely the “indigenous eco-friendly product” by strengthening and combining Sommer’s green business components, ILO’s green business elements, and 3R method (go green concept) with indigenous knowledge perspective.


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How to Cite

Syafril, E. P. E., & Agel, H. H. (2023). Eco-print Batik: Eco-Friendly Products of Green Business based on Indigenous Knowledge in Bantul. Proceedings of London International Conferences, (8), 54–65.